If you are interested in learning about the kiwcha tradition in Alto Napo region, Amupakin is the place you need. We offer accomodation packages, guided visits and simulations of our different roles in the community. You can also stay in one of our huts to enjoy the beauty and serenity of our farm. Even though we are not atouristic complex, we are happy to share with you our costumes.


  • Ancestral ceremony Wayusa Upina

La Wayusa Upina es un rito ancestral de preparación para la jornada de trabajo en la Chakra. Un espacio que sirve para dar consejo y compartir historias entre los sabios y los jóvenes de la comunidad. Inicia a partir de las 2 a.m. con una fogata y la preparación de la wayusa, luego se comparte chicha, se hace demostración del tejido de cestería y se desarrolla la ceremonia de la pachina. Al finalizar se entrega el plato ancestral Uchumanga. De este modo, los asistentes quedan preparados para iniciar la jornada con energía. En Amupakin revivimos la tradición para quienes deseen tener un contacto con esta forma de compartir.

PRICE: 100 dollars per group (20-30 members)

*If your group is smaller, the price doesn't change.

  • Cultural night ceremony

We sat around the fire and tell stories and perform traditional dances.

Price: 100 dollars per group (20-30 members)

*If your group is smaller, the price doesn't change.

  • Vertical birth demonstration

This is the traditional way the mamas assist the births in Amupakin. This position will allow mums to find comfort and use gravity to help push whenever they are ready. It also improves baby's oxygenation and reduces the risk of fetal distress.

Price: 100 dollars per group (20-30 members)

*If your group is smaller, the price doesn't change.

  • Accomodation per night

En Amupakin contamos con cabañas ideales para pasar unos días de desconexión y pasear por la chakra donde plantamos la medicina ancestral. Este servicio nos ayuda a solventar otros gastos importantes del hospital y otorga un ingreso valioso para las achimamas. Aunque no somos una empresa hotelera, abrimos la puerta de nuestra casa para quienes deseen compartir con nuestra comunidad.

PRICE per night: 10 dollars per person

  • Diets

If you plan to stay with us, you can also enjoy the freshly made recipes prepared by the mamas. It includes breakfast, lunch and dinner in our community kitchen.

price: 10 dollars per person

  • Tours

We can plan an individualized trip according to your expectations and interests.


  • Half day
  • Full day
  • 2 days + 1 night

Price: depending on the package and the activities you choose.

Are you interested in staying with us? Leave your message